Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to remain friends with your ex?

how do i remain friends with my ex? i love her with all my heart still and its hard to move on. it feels awkward now just being friends. i know i have to except where our relationship stands, but how can i remain her friend with all the feelings that i still have?How to remain friends with your ex?
Believe you will move on, i know its difficult in the beginning but later on you'll realize it was for the best. Just act casual around her and try not asking questions about the your realationship with her. who knows she might want you back. Take careHow to remain friends with your ex?
Ah..yes..this happens to me...alot...all you just start talking to her like before you two went out..and do stuff together like friends..mess around like friends and flirt with her just a little...thats what me and my ex's do..and we're the best of friends =] good luck!
This is a common mistake - many people try to go from being lovers to friends instantly, and it just doesn't work. There needs to be a natural period of transition to deal with the loss of the romantic connection. Give yourself the time to be heartbroken and sad and angry, and then to start to explore a life that doesn't center on her.

Tell her that while her friendship means a lot to you, you need some time apart to adjust. Agree to not communicate for several months, and then try to rebuild a platonic friendship.
Not trying to make you feel worse, but in MOST(not all) cases, it is not possible to be friends with an ex; especially if you still have feelings for them. Often it will lead to unhealthy drama and will prevent you from moving on with your life, thinking that maybe they will get back with you.

The best way to remain friends with an ex is to have NO contack with them for a LONG time (at least the time it takes to get over them and then some). Basically, if you can look at your ex and not feel anything anymore (no lust, love, pain, anger, bitterness, ANYTHING), and you still want to be friends after that. then go for it.

If you stay friends now, without time to recover, imagine how you will feel if she starts dating someone else? Do yourself the favor and take time out for yourself.
Bran and Teresa hit the nail right on the head. I'm going through this right now myself. My ex broke up with me and won't leave me alone b/c she wants to be friends but when I made the mistake of meeting her for a beer, it put me right back at square one. We dated 3 years and it's been a month and a half so if you're going to try to be friends, give yourself lots of time b/c when you see her a flood of emotions will hit you and you'll be right back where you began healing.
I would just talk to her. Don't tell her that you still have feelings for her, but just say like... I know our history together, but I think your a really awesome person, and I would hate to lose you as a friend. Or something like that. If she is understanding, she will remain friends with you.
dont easy answer my ex-wife was all lets stay friends blah blah blah and behind my back she was conspiring with her cousin to have me killed

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